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Legend (UltraMontgomery/Fiber_Routes_Commercial)

Crown Castle (2018) (0)
DF&I (2019) (1)
Alternative Path Bytegrid to TierPoint Alternative Path Bytegrid to TierPoint
ByteGrid to Tier Point ByteGrid to Tier Point
Crossing to Democracy and Seven Locks Crossing to Democracy and Seven Locks
Guilford cross over Guilford cross over
River Crossing to ByteGrid River Crossing to ByteGrid
River Crossing to ByteGrid (E of Seven Locks) River Crossing to ByteGrid (E of Seven Locks)
River Crossing to ByteGrid (W of Seven Locks) River Crossing to ByteGrid (W of Seven Locks)
ashburn loop ashburn loop
connector connector
river crossing river crossing
<all other values> <all other values>
Fiberlight (2017) (2)
Windstream (2018) (3)
Zayo (2019) (4)